Sheng, for shame!

sheng pu'er tuochaToday, in his own inimitable way, Johnny Teacup wrestles with the conventional “wisdom” of sheng pu’er goodness. He lays a copy of a local free paper on the floor, improvises a gongfu set with a couple of swag teacups, and makes the tea sing like Mohammed Ali and Maria Callas rolled into one.

Read this post and behold a work of genius. You owe it to yourself.



  1. Ha, I’ve never been a pu’er fan myself, mostly because I can’t shake that feeling I’m sipping old dirty tea with a funky smell.

    • Johnny Teacup

      March 24, 2014 at 5:53 am

      My scorn is entirely reserved for sheng pu’er. Occasionally, admittedly, I’ve enjoyed a nice, old sheng pu’er made by someone else–but when given the same tea to brew myself, it always turned out as gross as any other. This might reflect on my tea-brewing abilities, but I’m too proud to admit my technique has any room for improvement.

      On the other hand, I adore the graveyard aroma and rich, hardware-store taste and mouthfeel of shou pu’er–even the cheapest, bagged version gives me delight.

  2. Isn’t this a bit too extrem?