Category: General

10 Of Your Opinions That Tea Lovers Don’t Give A Damn About

Lord Devotea’s List Week. List 1*

At some point, someone has probably offered you proper loose leaf tea. And perhaps you don’t drink it.

That’s OK- and this list is for you!

When offered, you may have made a hugely offensive comment. After all, you don’t drink tea, you’ve probably got other character flaws including little or no judgement.

So, here’s a quick and polite guide to stop you embarrassing yourself with your own ignorance and stupidity.

(1) Tea is Just Tea

You think all tea tastes the same? That it IS the same?

So you think it’s OK to say “I don’t like tea” because you tried a stale Liptons tea-b*g in in 1987?

To tea drinkers, that’s just as credible as if you’re standing on a street corner, clad only in alfoil shorts and a banana-leaf halter top, with cymbals strapped to your knees. You’re clashing the cymbals together whilst screaming at the top of your lungs that ferrets are planning to take over the world, and the International Ferret Revolution will be happening next Tuesday at 5:37 a.m. GMT.

Think about that the next time you’re offered a decent cuppa.

(2) You think you might drink Oolong to lose weight

It’s not our fault that you think Dr Oz is the real life equivalent of Gandalf. Yes, you should drink tea, and buckets of it, but if you try to lose weight without diet and exercise, it will be exactly as successful as trying to become the number one tennis player in the world by wearing the same aftershave as Roger Federer.

Also, I can sell you some magic beans. Send $1000 to me in a self-addressed envelope. Ask your carer to post it.

(3) You think tea-b*gs are good enough

No , they are not. Idiot.

(4) You think, “But, but. Lord Devotea, silky tea-b*gs with ‘whole leaf tea’ in them really are good enough.”

No, you’re still an idiot. And when you say that sentence, there’s a definite whining quality to your voice that makes us want to drown you.

Listen, “silky” tea bags are usually made of plastic or corn starch, not silk. Did you really fall for that? And the wonderful phrase “whole leaf tea, cut up” is like describing your car as “A space shuttle, but with a few less features”.

(5) You think I’m a ‘Tea Snob’

This one makes my blood boil. All I have to do is take a moderate amount of care to make a cuppa – about the same level of care I take to put petrol (gasoline), not diesel, in my car’s fuel tank – and I’m a tea snob?

Get this: just because someone has a set of standards that is minimally above your level of “how many gallons of Coca-Cola do you want with your greaseburger” gastronomy does not make them a “tea snob”. It makes YOU sadly inadequate.

(6) Tea is for when you are sick

There’s no denying that tea is great when you are sick. But only having it when you are sick is like SCUBA diving but only breathing in the air when you’re passing out.

And if you drink tea, you’ll probably get sick less anyway. Science says so.

(7) Tea is an old person’s/ woman’s/ homosexual’s/ Kanka Bono/ Asian/ British/<insert other group here> drink

Of course it is. It’s everyone’s drink. IT’S THE MOST POPULAR BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD, you moron. It’s more popular than the Dr Pepper or Jim Beam you drink for breakfast, the rap music you listen to, that TV show you watch about that dude who does funny stuff or the illicit magazine you are hiding from your mother/significant other/warden.

Yes, everybody! Except you. We’re not only drinking tea, we’re laughing at you behind your back.

(8) But I drink coffee

What do you want, a medal?

So you drink coffee? Do you eat more than one type of food? You know, Burgers AND fries? I’m pretty well over talking to you at all!

(9) But I don’t like all those fussy little China cups.

Look, we’re done here. Seriously? If that’s the best you can come up with, then I recommend you have a crack at voluntary euthanasia. Just do it somewhere quietly, away from the tea drinkers, OK?

(10) But drinking tea doesn’t fit with my politics because, you know, the ‘Tea Party’ and all that…

Oh shut up. I’ve stopped listening.

*This is List One of “Lord Devotea’s List Week” a spectacular week of lists that will be spread over the Beasts of Brewdom and Lord Devotea’s Tea Spouts blog. 


Guess the Tea

Here’s a small part of a chapter from THE HEART OF TEA. Can you guess the tea that is under discussion?

You can make this tea up quickly with very hot water, or slowly at a lower temperature, You can cold brew it and ice it. You can slightly sugar it and use it to trap people who claim not to drink white or green teas.

It’s not a cheap tea, as so many things can go wrong on the processing. It’s quite susceptible to the weather. It needs to be shipped right and stored right.

Purists will howl at this – I actually have tried some from India; and it is cheap and cheerful. It’s like the difference between a good steak and a great steak; and at a quarter the price, the Indian stuff was not unappreciated. Certainly not when downing it by the pint glass.

It is a tea you can have a complex and evolving relationship with – you can drink it endlessly for weeks, then just move on – until you find it has worked its way to the back of your tea cupboard, all alone and unappreciated. Then the romance begins again.

Maybe it’s more like an old friend. You might not see each other for some time; but when you do, you just pick up where you left off.

So, if you haven’t already, find some time to introduce yourself to <NAME OF TEA>. An old friend. We go way back.

This is what they put into tea bags

This is a salutory lesson about the evils of teabags.

It starts here:

And gets worse:

And these guys aren’t finished:

Yet more indignity:

And this guy could almost be a Beast of Brewdom, if he moved to loose leaf.

(Thanks to @Jackie for pointing these out)

And so it begins…


The site that isn’t afraid to celebrate the MANLINESS of TEA.

Before we begin; here’s the checklist:

What this site is about:

(a) Funny stuff about MEN and TEA

(b) Serious Stuff about MEN and TEA

(c) More of (a), because we MEN have a short attention span but love jokes.

What it’s not about:

(a) Misogyny or Homophobia

(b) So called “Manly” pursuits like Hunting. I mean, really? You’ve got a GUN, for Gawd’s Sake. UNLESS you’ve been hunting Brown Bear or Tiger Shark armed only with a teapot and a bag of Lapsang Souchong- that’s MANLY)

(c) Anything boring like lectures about how we are wasting our lives or reminders to take the garbage out.

That’s it!
